Productized Profits Updated Review 2022 | How To Start A Local Marketing Business

Hi guys, thanks for tuning in for another review with Get Free With Annie. That’s me, I’m Annie and my channel and blog is all about ways to GET FREE. What do I mean? TIME freedom is the main thing, and FINANCIAL freedom follows that. You can’t really have time freedom without financial freedom. Time freedom, means your time is yours. You’re not trading your time to someone else for a dollar amount of their choosing. And that happens when you have Financial Freedom, meaning that you control your finances instead of being controlled by them. Let’s GET FREE together.

Who is this chic and why should I listen to her reviews?

Many of my reviews are done through hours and hours of research. Scouring the web, and youtube, and other reviews, and testimonials, etc, etc, etc, to give you the best mash up of Non-Biased information as possible. I go into my research of each product as if I was about to buy the product and I need to do as much research as possible before making a decision. I spend the hours and hours of time researching, so that you dont have to. I do not buy every single one of the courses I review. But I do spend A LOT of time and put in a lot of effort, to give you the most honest and complete review I can. Because I have been where you are. And it sucks not knowing what to do next. I recommend starting here. ?

My Personal Recommendation ?

How To Make a Full Time Income While You Sleep.

Passive Income so You can Quit Your 9-5.

Using 100% FREE traffic, and Done-For-You Content.

The slow way. (There is no fast way)

The real way.

No Fluff.

My favorite course.

No Product, No Website, No Paid Ads, No experience needed.

What do you have to lose? Besides 40 more years of a job you don’t like.

Click Here To Learn More ? Its worth it.


I am an affiliate for most the links I provide. However, that’s not my only reason for providing them. I was once where you probably are. Looking for the best way to make money online. I just wanted honest and practical advice and recommendations for where to start and where to go. REAL courses and education that could help me earn REAL money so that I could get free and live the life I want. So that’s what this website is. I honestly hope it helps you find what is right for you. And helps you to get free. 

My SUPER technical rating system:

A Really valuable course, for a very fair price. (Good investment, and high chance of return.) CHA-CHING!

A Really valuable course, for a very high price. (Risky investment, but high chance of return.) OOF!

An OK course, for an OK price. (Moderate investment, 50/50 chance of return.) MEH.

An OK course, but too high priced. (Risky investment, 50/50 chance of return.) NAH.

Overall Rating = CHA-Ching!

Productized Profits

What is it?

-A 6 module training course that teaches you how to build a local marketing (AKA Lead generation) business by running facebook ads for small businesses, to get them more leads or potential customers. When you do, they pay you either per lead or a monthly fee.

What Is Local Marketing/Lead Generation?

-You help small businesses such as limo services, tree trimming services, roofers, etc in a specific city to get more leads (AKA potential customers). Then the business pays you for continuing to find them leads. Usually on a monthly basis.


Who was it created by?

-Lucas Lee Tyson

-22 year old guy who has been doing local marketing for a few years now and has a track record of making $250k in one year with it.

-He’s a really nice and down to earth dude, and seems to genuinely care about his students. He is very active in the facebook group and answers questions all the time.

What’s different about it?

-Lucas really focuses on making a connection with your clients

-If you can make a connection with your clients, you can close the deal easier, and make more money.

-ie: lets say your dad has a roofing company, and you have always been around roofing your whole life and know a bit about it. You would pick that for your niche. Especially because now your dad can be your first customer. You can practice on him and find leads for him for free. Pick his brain about what he liked and didn’t like.

What’s Included?

-6 modules that start with the basics and lead you to your first client


-Module 1: Fundamentals and Foundations. All about your mindset as an entrepreneur, why people fail, and sticking to it.

  • How to completely rewire your brain for success and massive action
  • How to face your “dark side” and escape negative behavior patterns that limit your success
  • How to be the architect of your life and then reverse engineer it into daily action items
  • How to overcome the fear, anxiety, and doubt that plagues most entrepreneurs and paralyses them from taking action
  • Most people will NEVER master their mindset during their lifetime, we get your mind wired right in the first 7 days of the program

-Module 2: Carving out your niche. A very common lesson, but Lucas does it in a unique and interesting way. Teaching you how to sell your “System”, not selling leads. Selling a specific product that will solve your clients problem, not just selling another marketing service.

  • How to pick the perfect niche for you given your interests, skills, background, education, etc.
  • How to price your offer so it’s worth at least $2,000 – $4,000+ from day one
  • How to take a view on the market and differentiate yourself from the competition
  • How to craft a message that cuts through the noise in your niche and provokes them to take action
  • Most people spend YEARS on this stuff and still get it wrong. We get this dialed in for you just 14 days into the program!

-Module 3: Automated Client Attraction Machine. All about how to set up automated systems to get clients their leads, through cold emailing, linkedin messeges, and facebook organic.

  • How to get clients coming to you instead of you chasing them, using our battle-tested, proven strategies and automation frameworks. Step-by-step instructions, templates, over-the-shoulder examples, etc.
  • We want you to get your first few sales within the first 21 days of starting the program, and we do this using organic methods that are 100% free. Once you get your first few clients we start scaling up using paid methods.
  • We provide you with ALL of our proven funnels and automation templates that you can install into your own business with a single click
  • Most people spend 6 months – 1 year before they get their first client/sale. We help you get yours in the first 21 days!

-Module 4: Science of Sales and Client Conversion. How to get your clients sold over the phone through a 2 call system.

  • How to convert total strangers into high paying clients with one phone call and zero follow up
  • I have done over 500 consultations and have truly mastered this. I took everything I’ve learned and refined it into a step-by-step methodology and script that anyone can follow to close sales regardless of their previous experience
  • How to handle objections, how to collect payment via credit card over the phone (I provide you with a merchant)
  • LIVE call breakdowns of me doing a play-by-play analysis of me actually closing real business owners over the phone
  • Knowing how to sell is a life or death skill as an entrepreneur and we get you to the top of the game in just 28 days!

-Module 5: Autopilot Serviced Delivery. Learning about account management after you have your happy client. Checking on them twice a week, then once a week, then once a month. Showing you care. (This is the part that is the dealbreaker for me. You really have to keep tabs on your clients in order to have retention, meaning they keep paying you every month.)

  • At this stage of the training program you should already have a few clients. Now we show you step-by-step how to deliver amazing results for these clients with laser-targeted digital advertising campaigns.
  • My clients and I spend hundreds of thousands a month on Facebook and Google Ads, so you can be sure you’re getting the battle tested, “What’s Working TODAY” approach to wildly profitable digital advertising campaigns
  • You’ll also get access to our always-updating library of PROVEN plug-and-play funnels and automation sequences that you can install into your client campaigns with a single click.
  • Most people try digital advertising/marketing on their own and then give up after months of frustration. We get you going in 5 weeks!

-Module 6: Systems and Scaling. Learning how to delegate tasks, so that you can grow and have more time. Building a team. (This part is so important. Money is great, but if you have no time to enjoy it then why are you even starting this business? I really like that he gives a whole module to this.)

  • In module 6 we show you how to automate damn near everything in your business as you begin to scale up
  • How to manage multiple clients and systemize the day-to-day operations and run your productized business like a well-oiled machine
  • Our asset library of marketing automations to put your business on autopilot, minimize your working hours, all while massively improve your results
  • Our database of proven, vetted, top 1% contractors to help you run your productized business without you doing all the work
  • All the legal assets you need for your productized business: client agreements, contracts, terms & conditions, privacy policy, etc. (Save $5,000+ in lawyer fees)

-Done for you templates

-Funnels and landing page templates you can use

-Done for you Photos and copy that you can use

-Access to private Facebook group

-Live Q and A calls

-Really Good support from Lucas and his team

-3 free months of Client Bolt when you sign up with Lucas’ link. Client bolt is a software lucas recommends to help you find clients in your area. You type in the niche you want and the city you want, and it gathers all those businesses in your area.

How does it work?

-Identify the niche you like

-Find clients who have businesses in those niches through cold emailing, linkedin, and facebook organic search.

-Use a Software called Client Bolt that Lucas recommends, where you type in the name of the niche you like, then the city, and you get a list of businesses in that region for that niche. (Client Bolt is $99 a month, but by joining his program you get 3 months free.)

-Find your first client by calling them up and offering your services to find them leads. (This is where your connection with their niche would come in handy.)

-Lucas’ goal for you is to find one client within 3 weeks. The money you make from this client you will put back into your business so that you can get more clients.

-Then you offer to set up online ads for them using facebook ads and online sales funnels. Lucas also teaches you basic marketing skills so that you have value to offer to your clients.

-And they pay you monthly for your ongoing service

-After you get one client, you can use that money to pay for ads and marketing to build your business and your client list.

-Then you scale.

source: helpinghandaffiliate

Who is it for?

-Anyone wanting to start their own local marketing business and has a couple thousand dollars to spend on the course and software and facebook ads.

-You don’t mind talking to clients and dealing with customer service issues.

-You have some experience with sales or client prospecting, and you like working with people.

Who is it not for?

-If you don’t want to have clients that you have to find and email and call regularly, this isn’t for you.

-If you are terrified of speaking to people you don’t know, and getting rejected, this isn’t for you.

-If you just don’t want to have to talk with potential clients and try to get them to sign up with your services and negotiate payments with them, this isn’t for you.

-If you just want an online business where you don’t have to deal with people face to face, affiliate marketing would be a better fit for you.


-Lucas has integrity, he is using legit methods, his program is full of good content, and he cares if you succeed.

-Lucas is very approachable and kind to his students, you can tell he really cares

-His approach is practical. Start with one client, use the money from that client for paid ads so you can grow your business. Then scale.

-Good reviews and testimonials, lots of success stories

-Lucas is upfront and honest about the work you will have to put in

-You can start making money relatively quickly. Lucas promises to help you find your first client in 3 weeks.


-The high price for the course

-Finding clients initially can be very tough, lots of rejection. Can be very discouraging, and take a lot of effort and time to find them.

-Once you have multiple clients, you have multiple people needing to contact you on a regular basis. And if you aren’t available, they might find someone else.

-Some companies will only need you for a few months, then you will need to find more clients.

-You can’t have multiple clients in the same region because then they will be competing for leads.

-Lucas doesn’t talk about using a business owner you already know to gain some experience so that you have more leverage when trying to find your first real client

– He doesn’t really spend much time teaching free/organic traffic.

-Using paid facebook ads as the main way to get leads. (They are expensive, and your account can get banned at any time)

Reasons Why I Don’t Like Using Facebook Ads For Traffic/Leads

-They are expensive, and your money is getting spent on ads being shown to people who weren’t searching for that topic., which is called interruption marketing. ie: if you spend money on an ad for a plumbing service, but the person seeing it doesn’t need a plumber, then you just wasted money.

-You need to monitor your ads constantly, because they can stop working at any time.

-They can really fail pretty badly, but you don’t know it until you’ve already spent money on it.

-Facebook can disable your ad, your ad account, your whole business account, or your entire facebook profile whenever they want to. And you cant talk to anyone to find out why, or get it back. You can make a support ticket and hope a bot sees it and reinstates your account, but that’s about it.

Testimonials/Other reviews

-Many positive testimonials and reviews

-A few reviews from other lead gen courses that said their courses were better has a really good review on it

-One review saying they had a hard time getting their 30 day money back guarantee honored, and had to use BBB to get it back, but eventually did.

-Has a 4.7 out of 5 on trustpilot


-Is there a Guarantee? There is a 30 day “Action-based” guarantee. You must apply all strategies with your best effort and if they don’t work within 30 days, you get a 100% refund. (I am not sure how you prove that you took action with your best effort. Or how you exactly get the refund.)

– Can I do this as a complete beginner? Do I need any prior experience or skills? No, you can be a complete beginner, most students are.

-How much time do I need to devote to this? At least 2 hours.

-How much do I charge clients?You want to price on value not costs or time.  You should look at how much it’s costing your prospect to have this problem and what it would be worth to them to have the problem solved. I strongly advise everyone in my program to never price below $2,000 and I encourage them to charge more than that and many do.

What does it cost?

-About $1500 (really not a bad price for what you get)

-Also an option to split it into 3 payments of about $600

-Many other courses teaching the same thing are charging $2000-$5000

Final Thoughts

-Practical hands on content. Step by step, easy to follow.

-Good creator and good support. Delivers what it promises, Lucas is a genuine guy.

-Cold emails and Linkenin messaging are a little outdated. There’s got to be a better way.

-No matter how great the course is, you are going to have to get on the phone and close the deal, and not everyone is going to be ok with this, or good at it.

-Clients/business owners can be a real pain to deal with, and if you want to scale your business, you’re going to have to deal with a lot of them.

-Facebook ads and their high price and unpredictability are well known, and I wish there was another method being taught.

Final Verdict

-If you are an absolute beginner and you love talking to people and selling over the phone and you are great at facebook ads, then I highly recommend this course. However I personally think there are safer and less frustrating ways to build a local marketing agency. Using SEO to rank websites, instead of facebook ads. Where you own the website and you rank it so it has traffic and then you rent it out. Then you are building an asset you own, and if a business stops needing you, you can just move on to another business without having to start all over.

An alternative course that teaches that method is dan & ippei local marketing. However, there are cons to their course as well. As there are with building any business. And their course is more expensive.

I do think that Lucas is a stand up guy though, and all of his students seem to be having success. So that says a lot. Its really hard to know which way to go and where to start in the endless sea of online courses and gurus.

I do think local marketing is a lucrative online business, and you can make money in a relatively short amount of time. Like enough money to quit your day job. However its not totally passive, which is why I believe affiliate marketing is the best online business. Affiliate marketing takes longer to start making a good amount of money, however you don’t have to deal with finding and dealing with multiple clients and keeping them happy and keeping them paying you. I personally chose online business because I didn’t want to have to deal with people face to face anymore, and customer service making sure they’re happy, and all the BS that comes with that. Calling hundreds of businesses and trying to sell them on buying my service over the phone sounds like my worst nightmare. BUT, if it sounds ok to you, then I think Lucas’ course is a GREAT place to start.

If you are like me, and you don’t know where to start because there are so many people promoting courses on how to make money online, but you just want an online business where

You don’t need a product

You don’t need a service to provide

You don’t need to cold call or cold email hundreds of people

You don’t need to deal with facebook ads and all the mind numbing frustration that comes with

You don’t need to pay for ads at all

And once you get set up, you don’t need to work more than a couple hours a week

You can find out more about it by clicking the link below.

My Personal recommendation for making PASSIVE income online.?

How To Make a Full Time Income While You Sleep.

PASSIVE Income so You can Quit Your 9-5.

Using 100% FREE traffic, and Done-For-You Content.

The slow way. (There is no fast way)

The real way.

No Fluff.

My favorite course.

You dont need

A Product

A website

Expensive Paid Ads


What do you have to lose? Besides 40 more years of a job you don’t like.

Click Here To Learn More ? Its worth it.


“You can always get more money, you can not get more time.”

Get Free.


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