Millionaire Society Honest Review 2021 | How To Start An Affiliate Marketing Business in 15 Minutes

Hi guys, thanks for tuning in for another review with Get Free With Annie. That’s me, I’m Annie and my channel and blog is all about ways to GET FREE. What do I mean? TIME freedom is the main thing, and FINANCIAL freedom follows that. You can’t really have time freedom without financial freedom. Time freedom, means your time is yours. You’re not trading your time to someone else for a dollar amount of their choosing. And that happens when you have Financial Freedom, meaning that you control your finances instead of being controlled by them. Let’s GET FREE together.

Who is this chic and why should I listen to her reviews over other peoples?

Many of my reviews are done through hours and hours of research. Scouring the web, and youtube, and other reviews, and testimonials, etc, etc, etc, to give you the best mash up of Non-Biased information as possible. I go into my research of each product as if I was about to buy the product and I need to do as much research as possible before making a decision. I spend the hours and hours of time researching, so that you dont have to. You might be thinking you should find a review done from someone who has taken the course. But most of the time, people who have taken the course are receiving a commission if they then sell you the course. So they have an incentive to write a good review so that you will buy. Which makes their reviews somewhat biased. I do not buy every single one of the courses I review. But I do spend A LOT of time and put in a lot of effort, to give you the most honest and complete review I can. Because I have been where you are. And it sucks not knowing what to do next. I recommend starting here. ➡️

**My Personal Recommendation** ?

How To Make a Full Time Income While You Sleep.

Passive Income so You can Quit Your 9-5.

Using 100% FREE traffic, and Done-For-You Content.

The slow way. (There is no fast way)

The real way.

No Fluff.

My favorite course.

What do you have to lose? Besides 40 more years of a job you don’t like.

Click Here To Learn More ? Its worth it.


I am an affiliate for most the links I provide. However, that’s not my only reason for providing them. I was once where you probably are. Looking for the best way to make money online. I just wanted honest and practical advice and recommendations for where to start and where to go. REAL courses and education that could help me earn REAL money so that I could get free and live the life I want. So that’s what this website is. I honestly hope it helps you find what is right for you. And helps you to get free.  

My SUPER technical rating system:

A Really valuable course, for a very fair price. (Good investment, and high chance of return.) CHA-CHING!

A Really valuable course, for a very high price. (Risky investment, but high chance of return.) OOF!

An OK course, for an OK price. (Moderate investment, 50/50 chance of return.) MEH.

An OK course, but too high priced. (Risky investment, 50/50 chance of return.) NAH.

Overall Rating = NAH.

Millionaire Society Review 2021

What is it?

-Affiliate Marketing Training on how to create an “autopilot internet business in 15 minutes” through ebooks and short videos. It is extremely basic and outdated. I think the creator probably has moved on to other products, it doesn’t seem like it’s been updated in a long time.

Better Alternative to This Course

How To Make a Full Time Income While You Sleep. Passive Income so You can Quit Your 9-5. Using 100% FREE traffic, and Done-For-You Content. The real way. No Fluff. My favorite course. What do you have to lose? Besides 40 more years of a job you don’t like.Click Here To Learn More ? Its worth it.


Who was it created by?

-Mack Michael, an alias of someone who doesn’t want us to know their real name. Not a good sign.

What’s different about it?

-There’s no real practical affiliate marketing tutorials.

-It’s more basic than many free youtube tutorials.

-There’s no support what so ever.

What Else?

-I started doing research on this product to give you an in depth review of it, but the more I learned, the more I realized that this product doesn’t even really deserve a review. However, I decided to make one anyways in hopes that it would save some people from making a mistake and wasting their time.

What’s Included?

-You are promised 135 done for you businesses (which are actually just PDF’s) Whut?!

-6 Videos that were created in 2012 and a few PDF’s with basic information.

-Ebooks: How to get 100k visitors in 1 hour, Pinterest Profits, Domain Flipping.

How does it work?

-Purchase the product

-log in to your account

-Start making money

-….Um what? That is seriously all he really gives you. Its basically just a clickbank product that you can choose to promote if you want to. But you really shouldn’t do that to people.

Who is it for?

-It is really best for the owner of the product, Mack

Who is it not for?

-Anyone who wants a legitimate online passive income business


-60 day guarantee


-Fluffy, crazy claims like “how to get 100k visitors in 1 hour”

-Outdated training

-Bad customer support

-Very outdated traffic methods and ad network recommendations

-Facebook page is unactive

-Its really just some ebooks and a few pdf’s. you can find better info for free on youtube.

Testimonials/Other reviews

-All bad reviews. Really nothing positive from anyone.

What does it cost?

-$4.95 for 7 day trial, then $97/mo as well as $47 /mo upsell option


-60 day refund

Do I Recommend this?

-No.Don’t buy this product, it’s a waste of time. There are so many other better products and free information out there about affiliate marketing. I think “Millionaire society” is referring to you making Mack a millionaire and that’s about it.

Final Verdict

I do Not recommend this course in the slightest

I won’t leave you empty handed though…

Cheaper Alternatives To This Course ?

, a well known course with many positive reviews and success stories. You can check out my review of this course .

Passive Income Breakthrough, (AKA The Job Destroyer), a very in depth course on how to create your own product to sell. A little bit higher priced at $397. But also much more in depth. A full course on how to create YOUR OWN online passive income business.

Here is my favorite course I DO recommend.?

Thanks for tuning in… go out and get free.

I hope this review and the rest of my reviews help you to make the right decision for you.

My Personal recommendation for making money online.?

How To Make a Full Time Income While You Sleep.

Passive Income so You can Quit Your 9-5.

Using 100% FREE traffic, and Done-For-You Content.

The slow way. (There is no fast way)

The real way.

No Fluff.

My favorite course.

What do you have to lose? Besides 40 more years of a job you don’t like.

Click Here To Learn More ? Its worth it.


“You can always get more money, you can not get more time.”

Get Free.


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