Hi guys, thanks for tuning in for another review with Get Free With Annie. That’s me, I’m Annie and my channel and blog is all about ways to GET FREE. What do I mean? TIME freedom is the main thing, and FINANCIAL freedom follows that. You can’t really have time freedom without financial freedom. Time freedom, means your time is yours. You’re not trading your time to someone else for a dollar amount of their choosing. And that happens when you have Financial Freedom, meaning that you control your finances instead of being controlled by them. Let’s GET FREE together.
Who is this chic and why should I listen to her reviews over other peoples?
Many of my reviews are done through hours and hours of research. Scouring the web, and youtube, and other reviews, and testimonials, etc, etc, etc, to give you the best mash up of Non-Biased information as possible. I go into my research of each product as if I was about to buy the product and I need to do as much research as possible before making a decision. I spend the hours and hours of time researching, so that you dont have to. You might be thinking you should find a review done from someone who has taken the course. But most of the time, people who have taken the course are receiving a commission if they then sell you the course. So they have an incentive to write a good review so that you will buy. Which makes their reviews somewhat biased. I do not buy every single one of the courses I review. But I do spend A LOT of time and put in a lot of effort, to give you the most honest and complete review I can. Because I have been where you are. And it sucks not knowing what to do next. I recommend starting here. ➡️https://www.getfreewithannie.com/growthcommander
**My Personal Recommendation** ?
How To Make a Full Time Income While You Sleep.
Passive Income so You can Quit Your 9-5.
Using 100% FREE traffic, and Done-For-You Content.
The slow way. (There is no fast way)
The real way.
No Fluff.
My favorite course.
What do you have to lose? Besides 40 more years of a job you don’t like.
Click Here To Learn More ? Its worth it.
I am an affiliate for the links I provide. However, that’s not my only reason for providing them. I was once where you probably are. Looking for the best way to make money online. I just wanted honest and practical advice and recommendations for where to start and where to go. REAL courses and education that could help me earn REAL money so that I could get free and live the life I want. So that’s what this website is. I honestly hope it helps you find what is right for you. And helps you to get free.
Overall Rating = OOF
A Really valuable course, for a very fair price. (Good investment, and high chance of return.) CHA-CHING!
A Really valuable course, for a very high price. (Risky investment, but high chance of return.) OOF!
An OK course, for an OK price. (Moderate investment, 50/50 chance of return.) MEH.
An OK course, but too high priced. (Risky investment, 50/50 chance of return.) NAH.
Ippei And Dan Lead Generation (Local Marketing) Course
Lead Generation is a business that sells itself. One thing that business owners will always need is customers. A “lead” is a potential customer. If you can find a way to bring leads to business owners time and time again, they will pay for it, happily. Ippei and Dan have created a course to help people learn lead generation strategies, both online and offline. This blog post will provide an honest review of their course, including the good points, bad points, and ugly points that make up this training system.
Who made this course?
Ippei is an overall internet marketer, you’ve probably seen one of his reviews on courses and training programs, because he’s done everything from Amazon Fba to Affiliate Marketing, to Dropshipping, and more. After all that, he has landed on Lead Generation as his main source of income and what he promotes. He’s funny and witty and successful (he claims to be making 50k per month) and he also comes off as someone who is real. Not a fake guru. I appreciate that. His mentor Dan Lok is also a successful lead gen entrepreneur and is Ippei’s mentor.
What is Lead Generation?
-Lead generation is the process of “gathering” or generating leads for a business. A lead can be generated in many different ways, but it usually means getting contact information (like email addresses) in order to reach out to potential customers and convert them into sales prospects.
-It’s important to note that not every lead will result in a sale! However, there are free tools like HubSpot that allow you keep track of your leads after they submit their contact info and also help optimize your marketing campaigns so you know which ones work best for you.”

What is it?
It’s a lead generation course. Lead generation is basically picking a business niche like “roofers in san diego”, then building a website for said roofing company, attracting visitors, and charging that roofing business any time customers go to their website and potentially become customers. Dan and Ippei’s lead gen course focuses on the “rank and rent” method, which focuses on search engine optimization, copywriting, free organic traffic, and connecting with people and bringing them a solution.
Who its for:
-Anyone who wants to learn lead generation.
-People who don’t mind working with clients (customer service),
-Anyone who is really good at SEO already, and is looking for another stream of income
Who its not for:
-Anyone who doesn’t want to have to deal with clients/business owners and talk to them through email or phone calls.
-People who want to learn other traffic strategies besides SEO
-Dan and Ippei only teach traffic through SEO and there are many other ways.
-They don’t disclose how much the program costs until you watch their webinar and schedule a call.
-There is some information online of people having very bad experiences with the “mentors” who answer the calls
-Lead generation is a recession proof business, this course teaches you the ins and outs.
-You are learning from someone who is successful in what they are teaching.
-You’re learning how to rank on Google, which is basically the golden ticket to success online in any business
-Ippei and Dan have combined the best parts from their previous courses into one lead generation system.
-Live training events every month, which will be helpful for people who are visual learners or just looking for more personalized help with specific strategies.
-Access to an exclusive Facebook group where members can ask questions directly in the forum or even chat with mentors like Dan himself

How does this compare to other courses out there?
-I think it’s one of the better courses out there because it teaches you how to rank on google.
-A lot of lead gen courses are teaching paid traffic, which works faster, but is not good for longevity.
-The course covers information all across the board, from the basics to advanced marketing for building leads in your business.
-Dan and Ippei give good advice on how to generate leads for your business, they are relatable if you are a young person trying to start an online business.
-Ippei and Dan have a good rapport, it’s like listening to two friends talk about marketing together.
-Ippei has done every online business out there, so to hear that he has deemed lead generation the best one, means a little bit more.
Unsure, because you have to get on a call, however they do disclose in the webinar that it is high ticket, which usually means at least a thousand dollars. Although since they don’t disclose the cost until you call, you may be able to negotiate a lower price. This is the case sometimes with phone call onboarding.
Other things to note-
it seems like there are 2 or 3 people who became successful with this program and are now, mentors or onboarding consultants that give out an email address or number to get started with the program. All 3 of their websites look the same and they are saying how awesome the program is and showing the business they have created from it.
There are a TON of positive testimonials from successful students, which is promising.
Final thoughts-
I don’t like that you don’t know the price until you call. I personally think that is a bad way to run a business. It is the one reason why I would not recommend this course over others. If you don’t mind hopping on a call, and seeing if the course cost is something you can afford, then I think this would be a very valuable course to take to start your lead generation business. However, for me, I just can’t get over the fact that they keep the price a secret from you.
Final Verdict- I do not recommend this course.
Overall I do recommend lead generation as a business, but I think Offline Sharks teaches a better course on lead generation, and you can check out my review of their course as well. I’m not an affiliate for either one, so these reviews are just honest opinions from someone who has spent thousands of dollars and hours on online courses. To see my personal lead gen recommendation, from experience. . There is a BUTTLOAD of information and evidence on the successful creator of this course. So you have plenty of info to make an informed decision.
Thanks for tuning in, go out and get free.
I hope this review and the rest of my reviews help you to make the right decision for you.
My Personal recommendation for making money online.?
How To Make a Full Time Income While You Sleep.
Passive Income so You can Quit Your 9-5.
Using 100% FREE traffic, and Done-For-You Content.
The slow way. (There is no fast way)
The real way.
No Fluff.
My favorite course.
What do you have to lose? Besides 40 more years of a job you don’t like.
Click Here To Learn More ? Its worth it.
“You can always get more money, you can not get more time.”
Get Free.